アリ サイード アガ シャー|Ali Syed Agha Shah

Analytical and Geomechanics laboratory, Hokkaido University

The speaker is a Master’s degree candidate studying at the Hokkaido University where his research focuses on studying the Bridge Pier foundations. He comes from Pakistan where he completed his another master’s degree in structure engineering and his research focussed on the use of Building Integrated Wind Turbines.


建物一体型風力タービンの活用において直面した課題|Challenges encountered in the utilisation of Building Integrated Wind Turbines


エンジニア、医師、科学者を目指すすべての人たちへ:あなたの疑問に対する答えはあらゆるところから見つかりうると知っておいてください。 また、学びの第一歩は身の回りにあるものについて疑問を抱くことです。そうして初めて、より多くのことや新しいことを学べるのです。 To All the aspiring engineers, doctors and scientists, know this that answers to your questions can come from anywhere. Also, the first step towards learning is to question what is around you, only after doing that will you learn more and new things.


7/20 14:10~15:00